How to keep your skin hydrated in harmattan

who remembers the feeling of dry lips, dry faces, blistered lips, white turned brown tshirts, and brown lashes? Well, the season is upon us and we think you should get kits ready. Here are some well proven ways to keep a well moisturized skin in harmattan:
Avoid moisture-sapping soaps
Does your skin feel dry after having your bath with certain soaps? Here’s what happened to you. Certain soaps take away the natural moisture from your skin, leaving it dry or flakky. To battle this, you should go for skin nourishing soaps. Morrocan Brightening soap does this just well

Use Skin-hydrating Creams
One other way you can keep your skin safe from the hands of harmattan is to use a skin-hydrating cream. This keeps your skin moisturized enough to withstand the dryness.