INGREDIENT SPOTLIGHT: Bergamot In Its Versatility
Bergamot fruit is like an orange/lemon but unlike these citrus fruits, it cannot be eaten fresh. Bergamot fruits are sour, acidic and inedible, despite the fact that the fruit is a good source of vitamin C, B1, B2, and A and potassium. It is cold-pressed for its oil which is an essential oil (not to be applied to the skin directly but diluted with carrier oil(s).
Among other health and aromatherapeutic benefits, it also has a long list of applications for hair and skin.
🍋Bergamot oil is a natural astringent, with clarifying and oil-reducing properties that make it ideal for anyone with overactive sebum production.
👉🏽It helps in clearing out hyperpigmentation or lingering hangover from acne by stimulating the skin’s cell renewal. Bergamot has naturally powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, making it an effective stimulant for blemish and bacterial induced pore clogging.
Bergamot with its extreme versatility (antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory abilities) has powerful healing and soothing properties, making it ideal for those wanting to relieve sore, sunburnt skin; renews, heals, purifies, soothes.
💆🏽It helps promote shiny and nourished hair strands/scalp, preventing dandruff and hair loss.
🦷Thanks to the antimicrobial action and ability of flavonoids in Bergamot (mouthwash/toothpaste), bad breath can defeated, as well as cavity and gum inflammation.
Two of our products you can find this versatile ingredient – Sunburn eraser and Melanin Bloom lotion.